Emergency Fund for Glendale-River Hills School
Help With Hunger By Donating Today!
Make A Real Change In Someone’s Life
More than 33% of Glendale’s school children are now on food assistance…and many are first-time families needing help! The Glendale-River Hills School District and Foundation have partnered together to create an EMERGENCY fund for students and their families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This fund will provide food support, rental assistance, and energy assistance for financially struggling families. Additionally, plans for a FOOD PANTRY are also in development. This collaboration is in effort to create a stronger and more connected community. If you’d like to help, please write a check to:
Donate Form
The Glendale-River Hills School District Foundation is proud to serve our community in this
pandemic year by raising money to fund our school district's new Family Emergency Fund.

How You Can Help

Hunger Relief

